1.    Matches will consist of TWELVE singles games and TWO scotch doubles. Each team must have a minimum of THREE players. 

·         If a team can’t field three players, they must still play the match with each 
player in attendance playing no more than four single frames each.

·         You may only play the same player twice if you got the minimum of three players. If you have more than three players you cannot play the same person twice

·         One point will be given to the opposition for each frame that is unable to be 
played (“byes”) due to the inability to field at least three players.

·         If both teams are unable to field three players each, e.g. both have three
each, the byes are split equally with a point being given to each team.

·         For each match the HOME team must declare player line up before the away 

·         Teams must choose their players for a minimum of three games before play 
commences with the home team choosing their 3 first. After the third frame the remaining frames'  can be selected one by one with the home team putting their player down first

·         No coaching to your team member while they are playing their match. Any form of coaching during a match will result in an automatic loss of match points for the offending team or player

·         The home team cannot change their order once the away team have put a name to play that player. Without special circumstances and agreement from opponent’s captain.

·         No player can play 2 frames in a row. E.g 1st and 2nd   

·         If a venue has more than one table, it is the decision of the home team as 
to which table they choose to play their match on.

·         The home Team must get the balls out of the pool table and put them on the table.

·         The person that is breaking has to set up the balls for their own break. Or nominate a person to do it on their behalf.

·         It is illegal to play games of pool on a separate table while your team is involved in a league/team knockout match. Violation of this rule may result in penalties such as disqualification or loss of match points.

2.    Registrations.

·         Registration fees are £10 per team.

·         Extra Players can be registered to a team at any point in the season, as long 

·         The player HAS NOT played for any other team during the current 
season. If the player has already been registered to another team 
but not played - confirmation of the transfer from both teams will be required.

·         The board have been given 24hrs notice prior to any match that the player is required to play in.

·         A registration fee of £1 per player has been handed into the 
Failure to satisfy either of these conditions will result in 5pts deduction to the team at fault and the frames played by the illegal player will be awarded to the opposition player as a BYE frame.

3.    All home teams to provide food

4.    Any cue may be used

5.    Spotty / Pro Cup Cue Balls may be used. The home team have final say on what balls are used.

6.    The table to be operational with a playing distance of within reason between the edge of the table and all permanent obstructions. The table to be in good condition and to be inspected by the visiting captain before the match. Any protest to be made before the match starts and reported to the league.

7.    Break off shots for frames will alternate between teams. Break off shot for first frame is decided by the captains, with the toss of a coin, or a lag.

8.    . Each game will carry one point for the winning player. Possible total of FOURTEEN points to be won from each match. Winners of the league shall be the team obtaining the highest number of points from all games throughout the season. If there is a tie for first or second place, the team with the most won matches will come first or second. If they are still equal the team with the more favourable head to head results will be ranked higher.


·         Results will now need to be added to the website. Once you have received an invite you need to set up your own personal log in details. You will need to provide your email and phone number.

·         The home team administrator is responsible for putting results onto the app after each frame and at the end of the night submitting the final results for the away team administrator to confirm.

·         The away team administrator is responsible for confirming the result on the app after each frame and at the end of the night.

·         The results need to be entered as you go, otherwise the score does not count. HOME team need to enter the results and AWAY team will need to confirm the home team has entered the correct results for each frame.

·         If the home team fails to submit a result, the away team will be asked to submit their copy of the result so they can have their results count toward div and individual wins.


·         If there is an issue with the results on the night. Then at the end of the evening you can make a note to raise a dispute which will notify the committee of you concern that you wish to be resolved.

·         If the home team put the wrong result in accidentally then you need to get them to change it before you confirm the result of that frame.

·         The button dish/reverse dish is for a player who 7 balls his opponent off the break or during the frame.

·         The home team needs to click on who won the lag/coin toss so the website can set the brakes.

10.  Matches will start at 8:00 p.m. but no later than 8:15 p.m. when TWO players must be in attendance. The THIRD player must not arrive later than their game or the players will lose their games. Teams not in attendance by 8:15 p.m. will have one game claimed against them for every ten minutes they are late. 15. The HOME team must allow the away team to have at least one free game practice and the away team can play any number of games between 7:50 and 8pm within this time frame. NO REARRANGED MATCHES ARE PERMITTED. This means if you can't play a scheduled match, you will hand the opponents a 14-0 win; The current rules state that you must turn up with 3 players, at least, to register a valid result. This rule has been amended to state if you are going to turn up to a match with less than 3 players, you are required to let the board and your opponents know 24 hours before you are scheduled to play the match. This gives your opponents time to advise: Surplus players that they are not required to play; and Venues, so they avoid loss of revenue on food and entertainment. Failure to provide notice will result in a 14-0 win for the opposition, even if you turn up with 1 or 2 players.

11.  Any player creating a disturbance shall be subject to the discipline of the Chairman, Secretary and assistant Secretary

12.  The gambling on games for money is strictly forbidden.

13.  If any club has a grievance or wishes to discuss anything about the way the league is being run, they are to put it in writing and send it to the secretary. A committee meeting will be arranged and the clubs informed. They may send two members to the meeting to present their case. The decision of the committee shall be final.

14.  The holders of trophies shall be required to return the trophies to the secretary on or 
before the first day of April in the ensuing year in good condition. Any club failing to do so will be fined the cost and recovery. The secretary for all intents and purposes shall be the legal owner of the trophies in trust to the league. The trophies shall never become the permanent property of any club. The league shall be responsible for suitable engraving of the trophies. The club shall be responsible for the trophies against loss or damage whilst in their care. Unless they are personal trophies

15.  Unsportsmanlike Conduct

·         Players, spectators, teams and/or venues must not commit any act that is 
unsportsmanlike in nature. This includes, but is not limited to:

·         Actions that are embarrassing, distracting, disruptive, threatening, 
aggressive, abusive, insulting, or detrimental to other players, spectators, 
referees, league officials, or the sport in general.

·         Assault or threats of assault.

·         Barracking/heckling.

·         Arguing with an opponent, spectator, or referee.

·         Any act that makes a travesty of the game,

·         Continuously disagreeing with playing rules,

·         Not moving away from the table or out of an opponent’s way after a visit, 
or at the start of a frame.

·         Deliberately positioning yourself in line with a shot or walking across the 
line of a shot during an opponent’s visit.

·         Continuing to play after a foul has been called.

·         Intentionally playing out of turn.

·         Excessive and continuous time wasting.

·         Playing a shot by intentionally miscuing,

·         Changing the position of the balls in play other than by a shot.

·         Marking the table.

·         Music system so loud that player communication is affected.

·         Gambling with opponents or spectators during a match.

·         Offering illegal substances or illegal services to players or spectators 
before, during or after a match.

·         Withdrawing from a competition or fixture without prior approval of the 
board and the teams’ or player/s’ opponents.

·         Players, teams, and spectators are responsible for their actions at all times while present at an event venue, whether playing or not.

·         Players, teams, or venues may be penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct with or without warning.

·         Penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct are at the discretion of the SWSPL board and may vary based upon the board’s judgement of the severity and nature of the unsportsmanlike act. A player’s or team’s pattern of behaviour from prior events may also be considered.

·         Penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct of a team or player can be given to the team and/or individual players and may affect multiple competitions. For example, if a team has shown unsportsmanlike behaviour in a league match, their players could be withdrawn or refused entry into the singles and/or doubles competitions that season and/or future seasons.

·         Unsportsmanlike conduct warnings and penalties carry forward and are cumulative during the entire season and/or until specified by the board.

·         Disqualification from any SWSPL event for unsportsmanlike conduct will result in forfeiture of any entry fee, prize money, trophy, or award won by or submitted by that player or team. In addition, any championship or promotion recognition will not be entered in the official records of the league.

·         If a player or team commits any one of the above behaviours, they are at risk of being removed from the season and future seasons within this league.
