singles/doubles knockouts and doubles rules

By Jason Hancock
On Saturday 06 April 2024 19:53

Good Evening all,

As most of you would have recieved an email you will alreday know that the draw has been done. But for the rest of you,  you can now view the draw, times and locations for the first round and second round for both the singles div 1 and div 2 and doubles knockout competitions. The singles knockout competition for division 1 and division 2 will be held on Tuesday 23rd April, where round 1 and round 2 of the competition will be held and you can view this on the competition section of the website. It will tell you who you are playing and where you are playing and timings. This is the same for the doubles knockout competitions which will be carried out on Tuesday 30th april. 


To enter the results of your games for the competitions you either need the app which you can download from the app store on your mobile phone and you also need an account which you can ask your captain to make for you by entering your email address on your profile and sending an invite to you to create a password and comfirm your email address. Or by contacting me, this will be the easiest way to enter results as it will be on your dashboard. 


The other way of entering the results will be following the instructions on the competitions section of the website and clicking the draw sheet (with match codes) link and follow the instructions of the website address and match code you will need to enter to comfirm your match results. 

There will also be a piece of paper with these on at the pub you are playing on. 

As said above my recommendations will be to get your captain to create an account and download the app.


The doubles competition 

League rules apply strictly no speaking, a doubles team can communicate until a hand from any player within that team touches the table, that team then must NOT communicate in any way verbally or physically until the end of that teams visit, same will apply when opponents enter the table to their visit. This is straight doubles so you play until you finish. Then it will be your opponents turn, then your partners turn, then the other opponents turn, then back to you and that format until the frame is lost or won.  The next frame you can decide if you want to stay in the same order or swap before your first shot. The order of play must be maintend in each frame. If a player shoots out of turn it is a foul. Any player on either team, regardless of whose turn at the table it is, may call a foul, enquire whose turn it is, or enquire what group of balls they have. 

Please relay information on the night to everybody! Play fair!


If you have any question then please speak to me

Kind regards 

Jason Hancock
