By Jason Hancock
On Friday 25 August 2023 14:32



This year's AGM will be held at the Fishbourne centre at 8:00pm on Wednesday

6th September 2022


Blackboy Ln, Fishbourne, Chichester PO18 8BE


Season starts in October 2023.


Entry fee £50 per team.


If you have any league / rule improvements that you’d like to propose for consideration, please email the board, before the AGM. Promising suggestions will be circulated in time for teams to consider the changes before voting on them at the AGM.


Please read and respond to the notes below where appropriate:


Pre-AGM notes:


REQUEST: Team registration / Openings at venues / surplus players / free



Team registration forms, for the new season, will be on their way to venues across the

region in the next few days. (Click here to download registration form)

Team registration will take place at the AGM


When putting your squad together for the season, please email the board as soon as possible before the AGM if:

·       You are struggling for 4 regulars - The board may know of free agents available for regular action;

·       Or You know of any free agents available for regular action - The board may now Teams struggling to get 4 regulars!



Please contact the board ASAP if you, or any other teams that you know of, are

looking for a venue - There are a number of venues that have space for extra



Please also contact the board ASAP if you, or any other players that you know of,

are looking for a team to play in, or if you have surplus players in your team -

There are a number of teams that have space for extra regular and/or part time


If there are enough 'spare' players, the board will propose the

Formation of new teams.


  Please can you supply an email address for all your players to make it easier for us to complete the competitions.


REQUEST: Sponsorship / Advertising opportunities

If you would like to sponsor the website; or, know of any

other possible sponsors, please email the board at least 2 weeks before the start

of the season, so that sponsorship and advertising can be in place before the

season starts.

The format of the agm will be as follow


1.     Roll call

2.     Chairman’s report

3.     Secretaries report

4.     Treasurers report

5.     Alteration to rules

6.     Singles and doubles competition

7.     Presentation night

8.     Election of officers (chairman, secretary & treasurer)

9.     Sponsorship/ advertising opportunities & aob

10.   Registration fees


Please could I take this opportunity to thank all venues, teams, players and

sponsors for your continued support of the league and its many competitions...

Let's hope this season will be the best one yet!



Hope to see you at the AGM,

All the best,


Jason Hancock

Chairman – SWSPL



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